
An Aussie accented conversational agent who can connect you with relevant people for your business


Every once in a while an AI tool becomes a viral sensation. Most often this has been due to shareability of its outputs.

In the summer of 2022 social media feeds became filled with dreamlike images created by the new image generator Midjourney. Later that year, jaws collectively dropped as people shared their interactions with ChatGPT. More recently, generative video applications like Sora have gained adoption through film makers sharing the outputs.

In January 2025, Boardy had a similar moment.  It became available to message on LinkedIn during the w/b 13 January, and within a week it was as if every second post was about people’s interactions.

It’s premise is straightforward – you message it your phone number and email address, and it will call you up within minutes to have a conversation with you about your business. It will then make a recommendation to connect with someone relevant in its network, and then make an introduction for you.

Conversational agents were made part of Eleven Lab’s suite of audio tools in the previous Autumn – and thus are already widely available. However, Boardy represents a paradigm shift in people’s understanding of what conversational AI agents can do.

It is simple to access, provides utility and has a self fulfilling marketing premise by being of high interest to the social network it was distributed on.

Moreover, it’s principle AI application works brilliantly. The conversation is to the point, understanding and empathetic. It does not require a web application to function. It is, in many ways, a game changer.

Key features

  • Conversational Agent: Boardy has a real time conversation with you to better understand your business and then make a recommended connection.
  • Phone Call: Call it old fashioned, but Boardy will call you up to have the conversation. No need for any software. The call takes about 7 minutes.
  • Message on LinkedIn: While Boardy has a website, the easiest way to interact with it is to message it on LinkedIn. It will chat with you until it has the right information and then call you.
  • Connection: The outcome of the phone call is to connect you with someone Boardy considers relevant within its network.
  • Follow Up Email: After the phone call Boardy will send a follow up email detailing next steps.


  • Conversational AI That Works: While the first minute of the conversation naturally feels a bit odd, it’s easy to get into the flow of the conversation.
  • Easy to Access: It’s extremely easy to chat to Boardy. You just message it on LinkedIn via its company page and it’ll start the process.
  • High Levels of Empathy: Boardy is a great listener and will take its time to formulate answers. It also provides well worked compliments that make it hard for you to leave the call without a smile.
  • Connection Could Be Important: The connection is the outcome of the call – and it could be a very valuable one that you haven’t already made.


  • Privacy: You provide Boardy with your email and phone number with no real consent check – it just says by doing so you accept the Terms and Conditions. Meanwhile, what happens to the call conversation data is also at the mercy of the Terms and Conditions.
  • Didn’t Work on First Attempt: Perhaps Boardy was busy, but I dropped it my contact details on first attempt and nothing happened.
  • Has Commented on Physical Appearance: Part of Boardy’s charm is its conversational humour. However, some users have complained of ‘creepiness’ as Boardy commented on physical appearance. However, steps have since been taken to rectify this.
  • Could be a Fad: While there’s been a sudden viral explosion, Boardy could disappear just as quickly because of its limitations (below).
  • One Connection Only: Currently Boardy is limited to one connection introduction. You have to select wisely.
  • Wrong Information on Connection: Boardy told me the connection was based in the UK. While that was true, most of their career was outside of the UK, so it wasn’t quite as relevant as first thought.

Who is Boardy for?

Boardy is best for business owners and entrepreneurs looking for strategic connections and complementors. It could also be useful for senior managers in corporations looking for new business solutions. It will be of specific interest of people looking to connect with sources of capital like angel investors.

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